Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Holy Earthquake!

What a way to wrap up our summer vacation - with an Earthquake! We live on the East Coast, so needless to say these are very rare. In my 27 years we have never had one, and I have never experienced one.

Michael and I were sitting on the couch, and had just put Patrick down for his nap. All of a sudden I felt like I was going to pass out and the room was shaking, it was the weirdest feeling. Then I looked at Michael and told him to stop shaking the couch, he looked at me like I was crazy and told me he wasn't. We then looked around and realized that the entire HOUSE was shaking!

I ran and got the baby and ran outside (I have no idea what to do in an Earthquake!) while my husband went upstairs and got my Dad who was napping. Dad came down and thought we were messing around and shaking his bed while he was sleeping and then looked and realized no one was there - HA!

It lasted about 30 seconds, but that was 30 seconds too long for me! I am so glad we don't live on the West Coast! At least we have an interesting story to tell now!

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