Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011

I cannot believe that 2011 is over. I remember last year thinking the first half would go so slowly because we were awaiting the arrival of our precious little boy. Well, it may have gone slow, but the past 9 months have absolutely FLOWN by.

This has been an amazing year. We welcomed Patrick James into the world in April, moved out of our house in 1 week, in with my parents, and started building our dream home.

I cannot believe how big he has gotten! This year, is definitely one that we will never forget, but I cannot wait to see what 2012 brings. I play on taking more time with family, having more patience, and hoping to take time, slow down, and enjoy life more, instead of wishing time would pass to get to the next big event (if that makes sense!) I hope everyone has a safe, and happy New Year!

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