Friday, December 9, 2011

First Sick Visit

In the 8 months since Patrick was born, he has only been to the Doctor for well visits! (I like to think this is due to me!). Well, today, our streak ended. Poor little guy had a cough yesterday, and coughed all through the night and had a runny nose. I still sent him to daycare and wanted to see how it would go.

I texted our babysitter around 12 and asked how he was doing. The verdict was a runny nose and nasty cough. I decided that was it..time to call our Doc. I couldn't get a hold of him after calling for an hour (they were at lunch) so Michael called and of course, got right through. Luckily with Michael's new job, he could get off and take little man to his appointment right away.

The Doc was concerned with how his cough was sounding so they ran a few tests, including two where they had to stick something up his nose - poor guy! At least Daddy was the bad guy and not me :) The test for strep came back negative, but they also tested him for the flu and pertussis. They aren't quite sure what is wrong. They put him on some antibiotics just in case it is the worst case scenario - pertussis. I hope it's not that, and I really have no idea where he would have gotten it since everyone around him is vaccinated.

I gave him his medicine around dinner time to make sure he didn't have a reaction, and maybe - just maybe, he will sleep a little better tonight (fingers crossed!)

Pray for my poor, sweet little boy! At least I get some extra cuddles this weekend!

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