Thursday, December 8, 2011

Disabled? What?

So I came to my blog today to write an actual post for once and was shocked to see that it had been GOOGLE. WTF? They said that I did not meet the minimum age requirement.

27? Really?

I have no idea what happened, but I had to pay $00.30 to fix the problem. I seriously almost had a nervous breakdown because I have used this blog for over 3 years now to document our deployment, our lives in general, my pregnancy and the birth of our son. I would have been so upset if all of a sudden it disappeared.

Every now and then I love looking back at my posts and seeing what our lives were like a year, or even two years ago. I think I like reading the deployment posts the best. I remember writing those and being so upset at the time, and it is amazing to think that we made it through that time.

I saw at one time that you are able to print your blog through different companies. Perhaps I should do that just in case Google thinks I am under the age of 13 at some point in the future. It would be interesting to look back on in 50 years, or for our children to look at, sort of like a journal of Mom and Dad's life. Something to look into it!

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