Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fall is in the Air!

Today it was GORGEOUS out! A cool 60 degrees, with the breeze blowing. It was a perfect day to have the windows open and visit the pumpkin patch. Since last year, when I visited the local farm when I was pregnant, I have wanted to bring Patrick! I saw all of these other little babies getting their pictures taken in the pumpkins and knew I would have to do this with my little one.

All in all it was a success. We got some cute pictures. We would have had more but he was fascinated with his shoes and would not look up!

Michael wasn't able to go with us this year because of football. Of course the game last night was rained out, and moved to today! There is always next year! I am sure trying to keep an 18 month old still for pictures will be even more interesting!

1 comment:

Robin said...

I love his shirt! Did you just find it somewhere or get a sticker made like you did for the month numbers? Precious pictures, he just gets cuter and cuter! PS, can you believe the ECU game yesterday? I thought I was going to cry in the stands!