Friday, October 14, 2011

How Soon?

Is our house built yet? Seriously. I love my parents, I do, but I am feeling a little in the way this week. They are having friends stay from Texas. I could count on one hand the amount of times my parents have had friends come stay at their house. Of course, they have people come when we are living here...with a baby...who has a lot of sh**. I must also preface this post by saying that my Mom is not a clean person. Well now, let me rephrase that, she is not an ORGANIZED person. Their house drives me, and my Dad, crazy. There is stuff everywhere. Now she can tell you where something is, but I could never find anything. I cannot live like that.

Anyway, my Mom never cleans. They have a housekeeper that comes once every two weeks to scrub the house. Otherwise, I am cleaning and trying to organize things. Of course, this week, she is in a cleaning frenzy. Not just a cleaning frenzy, but she feels the need to put away EVERYTHING. With a baby, that is hard to do. You can't just put away things because you need them. Every day. For example, I love his swing, but it takes up a lot of room. Normally, this is no big deal, but since company is coming and they are having other people over Saturday night, it is in the way. I feel like I am putting everything away, just to get it ALL back out a day later. It's not like we have our things everywhere, we have out what we need on a daily basis. Annoying.

The best part is, the company has to stay in the room where Patrick is sleeping. Mom wanted to move out the crib, but I had to inform her that was NOT happening because you actually have to take it apart to fit out the door. We compromised with just taking out the changing table. Patrick will be sleeping in the pack and play in our room. Since he is still not sleeping through the night, I feel bad for Michael having to wake up when he does. Luckily he is away at drill this weekend, so it will just be Patrick and I in our room. At least until Sunday night.

With all of that going on, Mom and Dad are having a small get together for everyone to see the company since it has been so long since they have all been together. This will add up to a LOT of people trying to touch Patrick. God help me. I think I will retreat to our room until it is his bedtime.

Pray for me for the next few days!

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