Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I'm Back!

I have really neglected this blog for awhile now! I am kind of disappointed in myself because I had been doing really good. I could make excuses, like we moved into our house, life is insanely busy, Patrick is a wild man now, but the fact is, I just really didn't feel like it! I had things I wanted to write about and events with Patrick I wanted to document, but at the end of the day I was exhausted and really just wanted to have a glass of wine instead.

Life happens.

So much has happened since the last time I wrote! Our house is coming along, we actually have curtains and rugs and new furniture, oh my! Patrick is walking all over the place and is learning to say more words everyday. He really is so much fun right now, I just love him to pieces!

Today was the last day of school! I am free! To say this year was challenging is an understatement. I have to say this was the first time I dreaded going to work. 99% of my class was amazing, but there were a few that made me hate my job. The good news is, they have moved on, and as weird as it sounds, I am ready for the new class to come along. Almost. First, I have some summer fun to enjoy! We are planning a lot of day trips with little man, and I can't wait to see his reactions to the many things we do together this summer.

Hopefully with summer break starting I can blog during nap times and catch up on everything that has happened with Patrick and the house! Plan for picture overload! Stay tuned!

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